Modern mirrors



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55 - 200


35 - 125


2 - 9


€100.00 - €1,350.00


Modern mirrors

Modern mirrors and contemporary mirrors

Modern mirrors and contemporary mirrors in this category are synonymous with functionality and design. The modern style is characterized by the achievement of the best possible utility, where beauty consists in the direct relationship between the characteristics of the materials and the elegance of the construction system, as a simplification we could say that what is functional is beautiful.

The contemporary style refers to the trends of contemporary art, where there was a varied exchange of ideas and styles that are not exactly defined and very different from each other.

Modern mirrors and contemporary mirrors for a touch of style to your home

This category is therefore the proposal of "Il Mobile Classico Italiano" on mirrors in a modern and contemporary style , always produced by our craftsmen with high quality raw materials and handmade finishes.

Since each mirror can be hung both vertically and horizontally, in the search by measurement, enter the largest measure in height and the smallest in width. Then, however, you can hang it as you want.

Showing 1-12 of 120 item(s)
Showing 1-12 of 120 item(s)
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